As on every 3rd Saturday in May for the last thirty-two years, cyclists from around Virginia and beyond will gather to cycle across the rolling hills of Madison County on May 16, 2020.  Registration is now open here:

Much will be the same as in recent years.  We will gather at Graves Mountain Lodge, in Syria, Virginia.  There will be three route options, great rest stops, and SAG support.  When you return to the starting point, there will be a great meal and entertainment awaiting you.

The routes will be a bit different this year.  As a result of safety concerns crossing Route 29, the revised routes will only cross at stop lights near the town of Madison.

The revised metric century route, will now include what we used to call the bonus loop: an extended return by way of Criglersville and Etlan before returning to Syria across the mountain on Etlan Road.   Here is that route:

The revised intermediate route, which follows the long route for the first and last 19 miles (without the bonus loop unless you so choose).

Here it is with the bonus loop added:

The family route is unchanged:

Cue sheets are available below for each of the rides:

Metric Cue Sheet

Intermediate Cue Sheet

2020 Traffic Control Plan if you’d like to read it, includes maps.

About tourdemadison

This blog is for everyone interested in the annual Tour de Madison bike ride! Please feel free to contact us at tourdemadisoninfo (at) gmail (dot) com
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